Things we need to do to prevent ourselves from cyberattack!

Things we need to do to prevent ourselves from cyberattack
Things we need to do to prevent ourselves from cyberattack   

 In our daily life aspects we become victims in cyber attacks due to some certain things we find ourselves doing not knowing they're actually wrong. Below are some of the things we fall victims for and how to prevent ourselves from being a victim in cyber attacks;

* Connecting to open Wi-Fi networks: Nothing free on the internet is actually free, some open Wi-Fi serves as a route to attack users and get into their data. So in order to be free from that, stop connecting your devices to open Wi-Fi networks.

* Password: Avoid using one password in all your accounts and platforms you do create. I know it is quite difficult to keep all those passwords at hand but there is this software that's going to help you out to secure your accounts with just one management password. LASTPASS  is a password manager and password generator that locks your password and personal information in a secure vault. Avoid using simple passwords cause they'll be easy to crack by the attacker for example passwords like;123123,password,abcde,johnpaul. Try to generate strong passwords, when choosing a strong password, remember to use long characters of at least 8-16 long. it should cover letters, numbers characters for example; JamesB123@#, 1Lov3you4,S3v3n..%. Using a sentence is a great way to create a long password that will be very difficult to crack by the attacker.

* On Emails: Don't open emails from unknown email addresses

- Trash attachments in unexpected emails

- Avoid risky clicks, instead type the address into your browser

Interacting with these put your information at risk and can download viruses, so always be on the lookout for deceitful emails and compromised web pages.

* Secure your devices: If your device is unsecured, lost or stolen, it could be used to access your information using USB, your money or your identity might be stolen and irreplaceable data like photos or messages. secure your data by; 

- Installing anti-virus software.

- Enabling remote locking and /or wiping functions, if your devices supports them.

- Setting a strong password, fingerprint, pin or pattern that must be used to unlock .

- Leaving Bluetooth hidden when not in use and disabling automatic connections to networks.

- Setting the device to require a password before applications are installed.
